Heaven Sent

Jerry Matteo, L.M.T.
SELF-Awareness Facilitator

"Spiritual Self-Awareness"

" To heal your body,
you must heal your mind.
To heal your mind,
you must open
your heart.
To open your heart,
you must connect with God.
To connect with God,
you must go within."

Jerry Matteo

Treat Yourself to a Soothing, Relaxing & Nurturing Experience

Supporting integration of "Body, Mind and Spirit" through intuitive massage
& "Self-Awareness" facilitation

Examining your paradigm

When you get caught up in the illusions of your mind, you lose sight of your true Divine Self. You identify yourself as a separate personality or ego. You become bound by the pains and pleasures of your body and by the misconceptions of your mind and you subject yourself to their limitations. In short, you trade off your true spiritual experience of life for the contrived realities of this ego mind. You forget that you are complete and that you have everything you need. Your mind creates the illusion of lack and fills you with desires. In order to get these desires met, you begin to live your life in a stressful manner which disrupts your body's delicately balanced nature, thus creating a physiological shift and dis-ease in your Well-Being.

When you acknowledge yourself as your whole and complete Spirit within, you experience synchronicity with the natural rhythm of the universe, and you experience the Divine Love which brings harmony to all life. By bringing your awareness to the reality that this 'pure love' energy is your true Self, your physical being gravitates toward that perfect state, and a natural healing takes place.

When this integration of 'Body-Mind' & 'Spirit' is established, one is able to experience the nature of their Higher Being through Self-awareness and Self-love and [as a result] manifest a healthy physical form.

"The body is the temple where God is the innermost shrine.
It is a sacred instrument capable of being used for performing Divine actions in the physical world.
Honor it as such and maintain it in good condition, so that it may serve that higher purpose."

I look forward to serving you... Jerry

I received my certification in 1992 from the Santa Barbara School of Intuitive Massage. The spiritual element to my work comes from my personal experiences here as well as from my time spent in India. I use various modalities, including Swedish, Deep Tissue Bodywork, Lomi Lomi, Esalen, Essential oils Aromatherapy and Polarity energy work. I am a professional member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals [A.B.M.P.].

To schedule a session call (805) 637-2269 [cell]

or send e-mail to: jerrymatteo@heavensentmassage.com

For further information please visit www.HeavenSentMassage.com